My Place

Simple thoughts

An Ode to My Unicomp

I have had my Unicomp for a few years now. So this is just a short review and description of the keyboard. A few years ago my normal keyboard broke and I figured I would go all out with a Model M style after reading about how people loved them, plus vague memories as a child in typing classes which had the click clack of dozens of Model Ms going on at one time.

Researched a bit and Unicomp bought the rights to the design and even better just 45 minutes away in Lexington. Ponying up the money I bought one and in a day or so I had one of these beasts in my hand.

You can notice the excellent Lamy 2000 fountain pen sitting on the keyboard. This keyboard is not meant for someone on the move. The thing is heavy and solid, brick like. Each time you type a key you get a very satisfying click clack and the space bar feels like a joy to use after using the membrane keyboards. The spaces between the keys look and feel like cliffs because of how deep the keys are. If you pop each key up you will find a spring there, hence the name of buckling spring keyboard.

This thing is a joy to type on and on my huge iMac it feels just right. Sadly, I do not have one at work, the noise alone would kill my coworkers even an office down. I have a Filco Brown Cherry keyboard I hope to use for the office to replace my acceptable but still not great Apple Keyboard.

Its loud, heavy, but is intensely satisfying and will last forever. Buy one! Also you can find lots of information at geekhack.

My Little Adventure With Squarespace

I was listening to the Talk Show a few weeks ago and one of their sponsors was Squarespace and since I love the show and want to support them I generally check out the sponsors to see if anything interesting catches my eye.

Now for some time I have been struggling with some sort of blogging platform. I have played with everything from nanoc to wordpress, but none of them really fit my fancy. Nanoc was cool but I have no skill when it comes to graphical design so my website could be generated and be really smooth but it still looked terrible. Then Wordpress never quite fit the bill either, I didn’t want to maintain everything it required.

That brings me to Squarespace which has some gorgeous themes and simple to use and for $10 a month more than adequate. I figured it had a gallery and some other options so I could consolidate my smugmug account, blog and other services under one roof. The first roadblock I hit was the lack of any ftp for bulk upload or just storing of files. Instead you have to place your files in a zip file and upload them, ensuring that it does not go over the limit. This annoyed me but I figured I could get around it. The second part was setting up a photo gallery, playing around with it I could get these wonderful lightbox style gallery, but if I wanted more than one gallery you had to click on the gallery then a single picture then you got the good looking gallery. I could find no way to force it into that mode and contacted their support with little success.

That being said it is a great service if you need something extremely simple, the posting interface was intuitive and simple. I think it is one of the best web 2.0 interfaces I have ever had the pleasure of using. Unfortunately the drawbacks outweighed the benefits. So my current approach is to host my blog here, pictures at smugmug and have PPOG to be the landing pad of all the sections.